Madison Sheldon

I have always liked to write, to me, it’s a way to express love and connect with others through words. I fondly remember my mom's encouragement, meticulously spell-checking my Mother's Day cards as a child, and pushing me to do better. Seeing my card proudly displayed afterward filled me with a deep sense of accomplishment, a feeling I wish I had carried into my adult life.

Life takes many turns, and as women, we juggle many hats and responsibilities, sometimes preventing us from pursuing our passion. Writing, which used to be an immense joy, gradually turned into a duty amidst the demands of work and life.

After many trials and years of dreaming, I decided to silence the little voice telling me "You can't do it," or "You're wasting your time," and I allowed myself to write this beautiful story of love, resilience, and overcoming, despite the many challenges. This story is particularly close to my heart because like Emily we all face difficult situations, but with the love of our partners, family, and above all discovering our own inner strength, we can be the heroes of our own stories.

I have poured my soul into this book, and it is my greatest wish that this story touches your heart and inspires you to overcome any obstacle on your path to your own unique happily-ever-after.

I would love to hear from you and continue to share my journey. Connect with me on social media, and subscribe to my newsletter to stay in touch.

My faithful companion, and assistant checking my work